What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Are You at Risk?


The GI condition known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can have a big effect on your day in many ways. Leading to irritation in your large intestine, stomach, and surrounding areas of your digestive system, irritable bowel syndrome typically causes painful and, at times, distressing symptoms.

At Indianapolis Gastroenterology and Hepatology, we understand the difficult effects IBS can have on your overall health, well-being, and welfare. Our GI doctors often treat IBS in Indianapolis, IN adults, and are here to assist you to help ease its effects. Read below to learn what’s at the root of irritable bowel syndrome and figure out of you could be in jeopardy for developing IBS.

How does IBS develop in a person?

The precise cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not well understood. Doctors believe it’s the result of an interruption between the brain (which is actually in charge of gut function) and the gastro system, causing gastroenterologists to dub it “the brain-gut disorder.” This disconnect might lead to movement complications in a person’s digestive tract, causing the muscles to move food through the system too slowly or too quickly. IBS is also called “spastic colon” due to the spasms in the colon that often come along with this condition.

Several factors may be irritable bowel syndrome triggers, such as:

  • Fluctuations in the hormones
  • Drinking caffeinated beverages
  • Changes in your microbial makeup of the intestines
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Stresses throughout life
  • A diet containing spicy and fatty foods
  • Bacterial or viral gastroenteritis (intestinal infection)

Being aware of IBS triggers and your chances of getting IBS should help you better manage your body’s reception if you get IBS.

What are the dangers of irritable bowel syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome is an intricate gastro ailment. Many components might combine to lead to IBS’s beginning or recurrence. Factors that might magnify the risk of the condition include:

  • Familial history: Some might be biologically at a greater risk of experiencing IBS.
  • Lifestyle: An unhealthy diet, not enough exercise, tobacco or alcohol use, and obesity can amplify your risk of getting IBS.
  • Being a woman: IBS is about twice as common among women than men.
  • Mental health: Depression and anxiety can increase the risk of getting this condition.
  • Age: Individuals of just about every age group may get irritable bowel syndrome; however, it typically starts during the teenage years or early adulthood. It does not develop as frequently in individuals over 50 years of age.

If you worry you may be at risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome or have other digestive issues, we ask you to schedule an appointment at an Indianapolis Gastroenterology and Hepatology location by you.

What are the most common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome?

Irritable bowel symptoms may fluctuate from one patient to the next. Commonly, IBS symptoms in women can differ from IBS symptoms in men and often range in aggressiveness. The majority of individuals with irritable bowel syndrome generally experience mild symptoms. Many of the more known symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are:

In the event you find yourself with any one of these signs or symptoms or if you distinguish a shift in your bowel habits, we urge you to visit a GI expert. Our provider in Indianapolis, IN can assess your symptoms and concerns to determine if IBS is causing your issues.

How can irritable bowel syndrome be treated?

Though avoiding irritable bowel syndrome won’t always be possible, action can be taken in order to reduce its effects. Taking care of IBS often involves long-term management of symptoms. Reducing your symptoms and caring for IBS could require changes in everyday life, which could include adding high-fiber foods into your diet, getting all of your water in, daily exercise, and avoiding standard IBS triggers. There are medications that could also help alleviate your symptoms, such as anti-nausea, anticholinergic, anti-diarrheal, and antidepressant medicines. Fiber supplements and laxatives might be prescribed to help treat commonly associated issues that are known to trigger the condition.

Receive IBS treatment in Indianapolis, IN

In addition to causing frustrating symptoms, irritable bowel syndrome makes many people feel beaten down and dejected. Rest assured that it is possible to experience relief from this often-chronic problem. The team at Indianapolis Gastroenterology and Hepatology offers care for this condition and will help navigate you to better health. For more information about your risks, irritable bowel syndrome self-care, and to access a GI doctor who can treat IBS in Indianapolis, IN, reach out to a location near you to request a consultation.

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